I often get asked “what do I pack when heading to Queenstown” as the weather is a fickle beast. We’re in the mountains so it can be stinking hot one minute and ‘pull on all the duvets and your grandma’s thermals’ the next. I’ve done a few Summer’s so here some tips and tricks to keep all the family happy.
It should be noted that with the fires in Australia at the moment we are seeing the results of this (yes all the way here). Skies have been dark and eery and there’s a definite smell of smoke in the air in some parts of New Zealand.
Hiking in Queenstown
You should always pack your layers. If you’re heading out for a walk in hills (and here’s a few to get you started) you’ll want to take some layers to keep you happy for the whole walk. I’d recommend and good waterproof jacket, a thin soft shell / puffer and a couple of layers that are sweat wicking to keep you all happy.
Hats are a must (especially for the small ones), some good socks and I’d bring some sturdy walking shoes or at least some trainers with good grips/ approach shoes for the shorter hikes. If you’re planning on huge days out then you’ll want proper shoes that support ankles etc.
Hanging out in Queenstown
If you’re heading into Queenstown or Arrowtown for the evening you don’t have to get suited up. You can make the choice if you want to go full on Cabaret or just amble out in your walking gear. All (in most places) are acceptable.
All the suncream. The New Zealand sun is a beast and you will want to slap on the cream as soon as you wake up, then throughout the day at regular intervals if you don’t want to start looking like a shrimp pre bbq. Do not just think “she’ll be right” because it’s cloudy. It’ll hurt. And for days.
Being out and about in Queenstown
Hanging around town you’d be sensible to don a pair of comfy shoes as theres a few stairs and some hills to get up. And if you’re in town and suddenly fancy a trip up Queenstown Hill you’re sorted! Don’t be ‘that’ one who forgets their comfy shoes because you left them at home. Stick them in and you’ll always use them.
The weather here this Summer has been interesting to say the least and so I’d pack a small lightweight umbrella, a waterproof jacket and some warm pj’s just incase. I’d also stick your bikini in, your wetsuit (the lake is lovely but usually around 11 degrees), a large jumper for after swimming and some things/ flip-flops/ jandals (depending on where you reside). They’re also great for shimmying out of the house quick to get coffee first thing.
You’ll thank me. And get some more of this by signing up here and letting me know what wish you’d brought the last time you were here!
Also if you’re new to town check out my list for settling in. And welcome! Haere mai.