Mons Royale SS18 Hypernatural

Mons Royale is like the sports enthusiasts dream. Cool (literally in material and stature), classic (I mean Mons is SNOW backwards…I know I know I didn’t realise. I’m an idiot), created in Wanaka and worn all over the world, Mons is simply a product you want in your suitcase, all over your body and in your santa’s sack this Christmas. INFACT Santa will be wearing it delivering your presents because he’s known for his base layer needs. It’s cold and hot out there people.

Mons Royale SS18 Hypernatural Mons Royale SS18 Hypernatural Mons Royale SS18 Hypernatural

Most of the time when I’m on my bike I cobble together an outfit that slightly resembles some kind of old lady action hero and I set off on my way.

I want to be on my bike. I don’t want to be flapping about worrying about sweating, smelling, or being too cold/ hot. Do any of us?

Mons Royale SS18 Hypernatural Mons Royale SS18 Hypernatural Mons Royale SS18 Hypernatural Mons Royale SS18 Hypernatural

Launching SS18, ‘Hypernatural‘ this Mons Royale range is a beautiful display of merino wool, design and ‘smart yarn technology’ (that’s SCIENCE to you and me). In other words it’ll kick any other material’s ass out there on the slope, mountain, track, trail and garden (for after your hard workout when you’re having a beer).

I took it for a rip-roaring lung busting adventure on my bike and it was beautiful. I looked excellent (of course) and I also loved the way it covered my shoulders- a sunburn haven, sucked up sweat like a ninja, wasn’t pink (come on brands that only make women’s gear in pink) and was long enough so it didn’t ride up my back. Warm backs in Winter. Sun shade in Summer.

Clever. folk. com.

Mons Royale SS18 Hypernatural Mons Royale SS18 Hypernatural Mons Royale SS18 Hypernatural

I’m also just coming back to sport after having a baby and want to look and feel as good as I can on my bike as I get my fitness back. This was perfectly glamorous and hardcore at the same time and made me feel good. I need to feel good as I only get small opportunities to get out between nappy changes and this was so so perfect. As I was pounding away on my bike a lady stopped me. She was 35 weeks pregnant and commented she’d love one of these when she was free of the bump. So I’m obviously inspiring all over the place.

With the help of Mons Royale of course.

Mons Royale
Made in Wanaka, worn all over the world.

I was sent a lovely garment to try out for Mons Royale but as always if I didn’t like it, I wouldn’t write about it.