I first eyed up DarkBlack rings a number of years ago. I spied this badboy in a cabinet in Wanaka and vowed to make her mine one day.Then this weekend we came face to face again.
I was lucky enough to meet and cast my peepers over Jade Muirhead’s gorgeous collection, some older some new, and when I described the ring “the one with the nobbles on” she knew exactly which one I was talking about.
There she was. And I fell in love all over again.
There’s not only rings though. Oh no. There was pendants, necklaces, earrings, bracelets all moulded together in a dark and seductive silver. We moved from the workshop to her full collection in the next room and I gasped at it all.
Jade originates from Dunedin where she admits some of her influence comes from. Fashion is darker, edgier than many places and all of this thrown together with other life’s influences Darkblack just seemed to fit. It so does though. It exudes darkness alongside a subtlety and grace. Holding secrets and giving me the feeling of that older, exotic, more sophisticated girl in the year above you at school. The one you wished you could be like but were also afraid of.
Jade now resides in Wanaka where other influences are apparent in the new collection.
Stockists are:
One York, Salisbury Boutique, Quadrant, Moi Design
Gifted Design
Jade Muirhead
[email protected]
Thank you Jade for welcoming me into your home and your gorgeous collection!