ReTreat Yourself Wanaka

Way out back beyond the sparkly sights of Wanaka is Criffel Station Woolshed. It’s dusty, slightly hidden away and a gorgeous group of people cluster around the large space in the main woodshed. Yoga mats serenade the centre, blocks and straps wait. Shoes are strewn aside, hot tea and water replenish throats and we’re ready. A day of replenishing our bodies and minds begin.

Between some clever minds this day was born, Nicci Huston of Hot Yoga Fusion, Mandy from Criffel Station Woolshed. Delicious food from Kitchen Window Catering, Nutritional education from Kate at The Holistic Nutritionist and some core activation.

I headed over the hill with Lake Wanaka Tourism and settled into a day of ReTreating myself.

ReTreat Yourself Wanaka

ReTreat Yourself Wanaka

ReTreat Yourself Wanaka

ReTreat Yourself Wanaka

ReTreat Yourself Wanaka

ReTreat Yourself Wanaka

A flow yoga class to get us started with a quick introduction to Criffel Wool Station from Mandy (owner) and Nicci about the day to come. Relax, set your intention, breathe and enjoy. Meet some new friends, say hello to ones you haven’t seen in a while and get your camera out to snap this beautiful destination.

ReTreat Yourself Wanaka

Once our bodies unwound (and I stopped creaking slightly) we set our mats up outside on the lawn. The day had turned on the sunshine and as the wind settled we worked through a core activation class. Basic principles of walking, turning on our core, lifting our bodies and uncovering little niggles and personal quirks.

After all that hard work we walked the exhausting ten seconds back to the woolshed where we were met by simple delicious salads, fruits and tea to settle our rumbling tums. A chance to sit, chat and unwind over our plates. I may have gone back for thirds seconds. I may have ‘re-treated’ myself a little too much.

ReTreat Yourself Wanaka

ReTreat Yourself Wanaka

Post lunch and we were treated to a wonderful discussion with Kate Callaghan (also known as The Holistic Nutritionist). Kate has spent years looking into the ways women eat and how we can learn to be kind, eat well and enjoy the food we consume (and yes sometimes that can include cake….I love this woman).

A long and slow Yin Yoga class to finish, our muscles were cradled and then stretched out to nourish and replenish. Nicci making her way around the circle with oils to place in points on our bodies to heal and soothe.

A calmness, smells of wild orange and peppermint, the wind whistling around the old woodshed causing it to creak and groan. We stretched in silence. A rare opportunity to be still and listen.

ReTreat Yourself Wanaka

ReTreat Yourself Wanaka

ReTreat Yourself Wanaka

The day drew to a close and we nibbled on small slices of fruit, bliss balls. Shoes were found, hugs were plentiful, we looked around at the old barn and people lingered to say their farewells.

I see more days like this in my future.

ReTreat Yourself
A beautiful collaboration between Criffel Station and Hot Yoga Fusion.

ReTreat Yourself Wanaka

ReTreat Yourself Wanaka

ReTreat Yourself Wanaka

ReTreat Yourself Wanaka

ReTreat Yourself Wanaka

ReTreat Yourself Wanaka

ReTreat Yourself Wanaka

ReTreat Yourself Wanaka

ReTreat Yourself Wanaka

ReTreat Yourself Wanaka

ReTreat Yourself Wanaka

ReTreat Yourself Wanaka

ReTreat Yourself Wanaka

ReTreat Yourself Wanaka

ReTreat Yourself Wanaka

This post was sponsored by Lake Wanaka Tourism but as always my words and opinions are my own.