Well we’re into November. The trickers have treated and the pumpkins are withering away in the back garden for the neighbours dog to scoff on.
I wrote a piece about why businesses need to use Queenstown Life. You can read about it here Blogging has been proven to be a fantastic way to get your product, business, event, niche out into the world and I can do that for you with photographs and some sharp edged wit along the way. (I’m hoping this is true)
The wonderful Jazz Festival drew to a close on Monday and what a weekend. We were jazzed up to out eyeballs and I heard so many good things about all the music around town. I love live music and especially as now it’s getting lighter at night and slightly above the freezing level you can sit outside for a bit.
We had our monthly Poppy Loves Book Club where we met at the lovely upstairs bar in Madam Woo. Opinions were divided as always. I love that I get given a book to read and devour. I admit I didn’t get on well with this months “Man at the Helm’ by Nina Stibbe but November’s book ‘The Peculiar Life of a Lonely Postman’ by Denis Theriault looks much more up my street. We are now over 50 strong in Queenstown and join nearly 800 women from all around the world reading the same book. Get in touch if you would like to join us! hello@queenstownlife.cm
I finally got to Blue Door where Wednesday nights sees all the cool cats in town head to listen to live music and a random selection of, well anyone play infront of a lively crowd. I tried to be cool, but alas could only make it to 10pm where I had to crawl home. I am a nana at heart. It’s my party and I’ll go home early if I want to.
A meeting in the shamefully beautiful lobby of The Rees Hotel saw me staring out of the window at the vista I’ve seen over and over and over for the past 9 years but am yet to get tired of. If you can hang out there for a cup of tea it’s so worth it for the view alone. I am the strange lady in the corner agog staring out of the window. Don’t tell me you weren’t warned. (About me or the view)
November is here and I’m ready! Bring it on with everything you’ve got. But please, no Christmas adverts yet.
As always I take and put out so many more photos on Instagram come join us here. Have a good week people and don’t forget to get in touch if you would like to appear right here!