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Poppy Loves Book Club Queenstown January ‘The Taxidermist’s Daughter’

Happy New Year people! Poppy Loves Book Club is still here! And still reading. This month (December and January- we had a break for Christmas) we're reading 'The Taxidermist's Daughter' by Kate Mosse. A quietly creepy gothic novel set back in 1912. The gorgeous lovely...

Snappers Queenstown from your Front Door

Snappers Queenstown from your Front Door As I'm stuck inside the house, #snappersqueenstown hasn't met for a while. Snappers is a gorgeous photography group where any camera/ photo taking device is acceptable! We meet in different locations every time and I give...

SweetPix Photo Booth

You know the scene. White dress, mother-in-law in floods of tears, cake (I'm smitten already), band playing Michael Jackson on the lawn. You've had your fill, smooched to a dance or two and out of the corner of your eye you see it. A upright tall box standing,...