I now have a child. DUUUN DUUUUN DUUUUUUN. And so even though she’s minute she will be big soon and I have seen the look of terror in friend’s eyes at the thought of having nothing planned in the school holidays. Days of annoyed children with nothing to do. So I’ve scoured the country for stuff to get your kids teeth into this Winter School Holidays (that won’t cost you the earth). Let me know yours!
Tracks and Trails. There’s plethora of them to get the little beggars outside. If they whine protest loudly, promise icrecream after. I’m all about bargaining.
Sam Summers
Moke Lake
Seven Mile
Frankton Track
Sunshine Bay
Arrawata Terrace
Fernhill Loop
Lake Hayes
Arrow town River Trail
Kelvin Heights Peninsula
Kiwi Birdlife Park
Discover why Kiwi’s wander in the dark…watch the amazing bird show. Hear about creepy crawlies, plants and species at one of my favourite places here in town.
Ski fields
You don’t have to rent out all their stuff to go skiing just get up the mountain and wander the new cafes and laugh watch other skiers and snowboarders fall over and have fun in the snow! It’s beautiful up there and the views are amazing to snap and sip your hot chocolate over.
The Gardens
One of my favourite places in this wonderful town and totally freeeeee. Wander the woods, chuck a frisbee if that’s your thing, smell the roses and discover all the hidden secrets of The Gardens. Right in town.
Chinese Village in Arrowtown is full of history about the families who came to live and work here way back in the day. Buildings are still there to wander and read and spend a quiet moment of reflection.
Jacks Point play area is amazing!
The Events Centre has activities galore with there Holiday Programme.
Te Papa are offering augmented reality treasure hunts (I want IN!) to search for their most treasured taonga. And all sorts of other programmes.
Wellington Zoo runs a holiday programme for children aged 5 to 12. Children get to meet the animals, learn all about the runnings of the zoo, hang out with the cool staff and understand what happens in one of the countries best places to see wildlife.
Christchurch Art Gallery has KIDSFEST (running 7th to the 21st July).
Creative Junk workshops where you can create a gorgeous garden ornament using recycled materials.
Yoobee School of Design has an ace school holiday programme running offering high school students the chance to be creative and learn new skills.
Tracks and trails aplenty:
Millenium Track
Sticky Forest for biking
Wander along the River track
Head out to Wanaka Lavender Farm to discover all the farm animals out there amongst the fields.
Puzzling World is somewhere to beat your parents at every game under the sun or just lose them in the maze out back.
Wanaka Artisan Market for treats, crafts, local produce and cakes!
Hopefully a few things to keep you on your toes and your wee ones entertained! Hunker down adults we’re in this together!
Pyjamarama at The Otago Museum sounds like a whole heap of fun for not only kids but me too!
Albatross Express and a Science Festival Special is on at The Albatross Centre. Do you even know how heavy chicks are?!
Go well my friends and remember coffee helps!
If you have other free or cheaper attractions anywhere in NZ let me know!