Hello everyone. I’m the world’s laziest woman when looking after my skin is concerned. That is until now. Kerpow! I’m now an expert and, with the help of Arbonne, you can be too.
I recently heard from a lovely lady called Emily who is working with Arbonne bringing their products to us in New Zealand. Great for NZ and amazing for your skin. Arbonne was started in Switzerland and the skincare range developed in the USA through a network of independent consultants who are real people to talk to, discuss and work out what is best for you.
The wonderful RE9 Advanced arrived on my door step and initially I was a little bit skeptical as I pulled out five products to try and a step by step manual for what to do. I told you I’m lazy and so the thought of having to put on five things was a bit daunting. Fear not dear reader!
Five steps each explaining the amount to use and in what order, one trial and I was hooked. It’s easy, they’re all lined up like little soldiers morning and night and it gives me ten minutes of time to slow down, run through the steps and my skin now feels new and refreshed.
Step One: Refreshing cleanser. Mix with a little water and use all over your face. Want to feel awake? Welcome to the world! This smells divine and I wanted to eat it. Fact.
Step Two: A spritz of Regenerating Toner. A lovely toner to add to the wakeup or cool down.
Step Three: Renewal Serum. Just a raindrop amount (I love this term. Not like the usual downpour I use) all over the face for tightening and toning.
Step Four: (Nearly there) Corrective Eye Cream. Just a small amount lightly dabbed under your eye and along the brow bone. I ignored the voice in my head to rub it in with vigour and enjoyed calming the heck down and dabbing it in. All part of the process.
And finally Step Five: Restorative Day Cream (Or Night Cream). A gorgeously thick dollop of cream (with SPF15) for the final wakeup call, or sleepy time do-your-magic-land-of-nod. Get my drift?
RE9 Advanced is a revolution in anti-ageing treatment (and I’m not getting any younger ladies), smells divine and uses only the best ingredients for your skin. I sometimes worry about skincare products as my skin is slightly sensitive but it’s been glowy and lovely since using it for over a week now. I’ve totally got into the swing of the steps (easy as!) and I love the part in the process that gets me to slow the heck down. Actually do something nice for yourself for once instead of whacking on some moisturiser and getting out of the door. (Just me?)
Arbonne is all about bringing the best products right to your doormat and into your life sharpish. They work for sensitive, painful and all types of skin whether you’re 100 years young or just starting out on your regime future. If I can do anyone can, living proof.
Arbonne making skin glow around the globe. Fall in love with them like I have!
I worked with Arbonne and the products they sent me, but as always my views are my own.
Glad your using & loving our Re9 products! We’re having a Discover Arbonne event at The Den, St Moritz on Tuesday 11th October 7pm anyone interested in starting their own Arbonne business should rsvp as seats are limited kroberts30@hotmail.com thanks Kerry Anne Roberts Executive District Manager Arbonne International
Awesome! Im loving it!