A little bit of Luxury at Blanket Bay

A little bit of Luxury at Blanket Bay

A little bit of Luxury at Blanket Bay

Sometimes when you need to get out of town and live it up a little it helps when that ‘live it up’ is just an hour from your front door. Blanket Bay is that little somewhere and a place I’ve been wanting to visit for a long time. I had the opportunity when some lovely friends of mine bought me a wedding gift of a night there and so, with the help of Ignition Self Drive, I took my partner and myself down there for a little RnR.

A little bit of Luxury at Blanket Bay

A little bit of Luxury at Blanket Bay

A little bit of Luxury at Blanket Bay

Whenever you mention Blanket Bay to anyone (the Queen, Beyonce, my mum) they all squeal “oooooh” because it’s known as a gorgeous luxury place to go and hide away the world over. Plush, luxury, posh, delectable I could go on. Think big fluffy towels and seven courses and you catch my drift.

And no I didn’t steal the monogrammed dressing gowns. My mother would be horrified.

A little bit of Luxury at Blanket Bay

A little bit of Luxury at Blanket Bay

A little bit of Luxury at Blanket Bay

If you want rest and relaxation this is the place for you. It’s so quiet and comforting I could have stayed all week. There’s absolutely no pomp and circumstance it’s just a really lovely large house that happens to have a huge hot tub in it’s basement and the most wonderful array of furniture this side of the equator.

A little bit of Luxury at Blanket Bay

A little bit of Luxury at Blanket Bay

A little bit of Luxury at Blanket Bay

A little bit of Luxury at Blanket Bay
We wandered, we scoffed, we rested, we mooched, we meandered. We played a mean game of pool (I may or may not have won) and we dreamed our nights away in the huge bed.

I wanted to hide away in the wardrobe and stay forever.

Blanket Bay
New Zealand