Now a painter I’m not, but a sipper (of the grape variety) I surely am. Put the two together and you’ve got a corker of an evening. Painting and sipping and laughing at each other trying to paint and sip.
New to town, the audacious woman in charge, Amanda, started her days in the good ol’ US of A before descending on Christchurch and bringing some (much needed) painting happiness after the earthquake. Originally from New Orleans, this girl knows something about resilience and so set up shop in the quake centre and set about making people smile over wine, art and good good conversation. Next Queenstown. And quite rightly so. Welcome Paint ‘n’ Sip welcome!
Simply put, the evening starts with finding your spot, donning apron (we looked totally professional) and then grabbing said ‘sip’, a gorgeous selection of local wines and beers (and soft drinks!) and then you settle in. Our gorgeous hosts were Jade and Fiona (behind the scenes) and they made us feel so welcome and safe to try out something I have certain fears about. Singing and painting are up there on the list of activities that make me feel uncomfortable but I never felt like a rookie. It was all about fun, laughter (generally at ourselves) and just enjoying the experience.
A painting is picked (from the selection they have) and you have your easel, paint, paint brushes and then you’re off. Being directed through the whole process from start to finished piece. I loved how all our pictures looked different (in a good way) and our personalities shone through. Some were slightly abstract (that’s what I’m calling mine) and some were finely drawn master pieces. We broke for a much needed break half way through (It’s hard work this painting business) and had a lovely spread of cheeses, breads and spreads and then back to it. Jade cracks that whip!
The whole PaintnSip room was lit up with shiny smiley faces and the amount of people passing by looking in was amazing. There’s classes for children, private events, girls and boys nights out, birthday parties, express sessions. There’s no need to be a good painter just the desire to try something new. Perfect. And you get to meet some budding new artist friends along the way. Head here to book your session. The calendar is easily set up so you can choose the painting you like best, book your seat and boom. Vincent Van Gogh would be proud and our #thatwanakatree looked amazing. (If I do say so myself)
The evening was so relaxing, lovely and full of laughing. My best kind of evening. There was also wine to boot so this girl was happy. I really implore you to try something different while you’re visiting or living here. And if you’re not happy with your painting? Have another sip and they all look like masterpieces.
10 Athol Street