Did anyone mention cake? I said Cake. My cake to be precise. My cupcake. And if you were’t there to taste it, where the hell were you? Don’t stress though it’s now available in the gorgeous Cup and Cake on Searle Lane, Queenstown and its DELICIOUS!
We also had our biggest Poppy Loves Book Club ever! All of us crammed and jammed into lovely Bound Book Shop to talk about ‘The Temporary Bride’ by Jennifer Klinec. Want to join us? Read about us here and get in touch!
Winter festival is coming up and my my my how exciting. There’s so so much on their programme I have no idea what I’m going to be heading to. But I tell you this, I love a giggle so Comedy Night is a must. Head here to look at their programme!
And and and and I’ve got some gorgeous new Lululemon kit to show you and it’ll get you out of the door people! If it works for me (and I eat cake remember) it’ll work for you!
Another amazing event I organised was through TEDxQueenstown and TEDWomen. 35 women hanging out at The Sherwood, eating, drinking, talking (of course) and watching the live TEDWomen’s feed. It was such an amazing morning filling us with inspiration and ‘momentum’ for the coming year and also we women are pretty awesome. Get in touch for further events.