I’m off on holiday next week. I’m hopping islands and heading up North to The Coromandel but for this week it’s been a blur of cake, birthdays (we’re one!), reading, mum’s visit, meetings and meetings and meetings until they come out of my ears. Work I hear you say. Bring it on.
I am so lucky to be able to have a one year birthday. I couldn’t for the life of my have thought I’d still be babbling away for a year AND have people still listening. What a ride. Here are some of my highlights! And of course I had to have cake (well Lemon tart) for breakfast. Because on your birthday you can eat what you want and now I have two birthdays a year. Lucky me!
The gorgeous Cruikshank Furniture in Arrowtown, Graze restaurant in Lake Hayes Estate, The Find pop up bar in Queenstown, Charlotte Lane who provides everything fashion online right here in Queenstown, where I think everyone should visit here, The Sherwood of course and Bluebird days. The People’s Bread too. I love them all.
TEDxQueenstown also released it’s date of tickets which is March 19th. Only 300 available folks and they will disappear within a second so set your alarms for 8am and be on the line waiting. You can get them from here.
I have become a tourist (well more than usual) as my mum has been visiting. We have re-visited some of the old haunts to show her. I forgot how many places there are to visit when you haven’t’ been here before. Wow Queenstown and Central you are a delight.
Snappers photography group finally met again and the boys made it! My photography group is about taking pictures differently. We all see something different in a scene and I love how they are so different. You can join us here! But in the meantime read about our group session here.
Thank you for being along for the ride and here’s to another birthday.
Hi there,
We love your work! I work at STA Travel in town and I have noticed you give local businesses and companies a little boost here and there. I was wondering if you would consider a travel section that we can work together on?
Would love to hear from you.
Many thanks,
Wow, Queenstown looks beautiful. Thanks for this.
lets hope to get to visit!