My hooves needed sorting, that is my feet. I just love the term ‘hooves’ as I’ve been slamming the pedal to the metal recently (what’s with all these code words and craziness. I think the running is going to my head)
ANYWAYS…..I headed to the best person I know to sort me out. I am training for the upcoming Queenstown International Half Marathon and my feet have become sore, blistered and down right U-G-L-Y (I’d say I’ve got no alibi but I have- the running obviously). Gareth at Southern Sports Podiatry knows his feet. I mean he obviously knows his feet but he also knows what to do with other people’s feet.
Now before running I had the world’s most beautiful feet (in my mind) and since then I don’t give them as much love as I should. They are left alone to protect me when I run, walk, bike, ski, swim and occasionally slide on the floor at weddings. I mean when the Final Countdown by Europe comes on who can stop me? So when I ramped up the mileage and they started to hurt after 20 minutes I knew I had to get them sorted and looked at at least.
Gareth deals with (and this is not an exclusive list):
* Heel, foot, ankle, leg, foot and knee pain
* General problems such as nail care corns, callouses
* Children’s foot assessment’s
* Manufacture of custom medical orthotics
He holds clinics locally in Queenstown and also in Invercargill
A range of athletes use them both at recreational and elite sport level including the Southern Steel Netball and Southland Rugby (and of course me). If you have niggles don’t leave them niggling, get them sorted. Pronto
Southern Sports Podiatry
03 441 4663