Monday was a crazy ol’ day of remembering that the Queenstown Half Marathon was on Saturday and then a bit of a panic set in. It’s all ok though as I like running in torrential downpour! A PB was set and I’m now looking for another race! Total RESPECT to the marathoners who were running in a war zone. Hyperthermia, waves crashing from the beach and so much rain!
Skyline Queenstown unveiled their new re-branded restaurant ‘Stratosfare’. There was so much cake there I was in HEAVEN. I managed to meet some people whom I’ve only met over email so smiles all round. You can read about it hereÂ
The snow appeared again that afternoon and everyone had a face on. (I love that term, it’s so English)
A new post about my feet may not draw you in but Southern Sports Podiatry sorted them out a trick when they started giving me grief a few weeks ago. I can now run, run, run (and a little bit of crazy dancing on the side). Read about them here
We are nearly ready for this month’s Poppy Loves Book Club meet up. There’s about 55 of us from Queenstown joining over 500 women around the world reading the same book at the same time. We meet ‘for reals’ and online which is so exciting. This month we are reading ‘The Peculiar Life of a Lonely Postman’ by Denis Theriault. Email me if you’d like to join us here
I have had lots of exciting meetings this week for things to come in the future. I’m so excited to bring you the freshest, newest, brilliantest stuff that’s going on here in Queenstown and further afield. Get in touch with us if you want to see yourself right here on these pages. In even more exciting news we reached 1000 followers on Instagram and 3000 on Facebook. I had a gin and tonic to celebrate. Coz that’s how I roll.