Poppy Loves Book Club Queenstown round 2 is well on it’s way. This month we are reading ‘Vulgar Things’ by Lee Rourke.
What they’re saying:
“The poetry of estuary landscapes muddy creeks, silhouettes of refineries, the slow passage of giant container ships, the flat horizon shines through Lee Rourke’s prose with a black luminescence” Tom McCarthy
We meet every month at Madam Woo in The Mall so come join us! The book club also links with other book clubs around the world and we meet online every month too (a few days after as it’s early in the morning). So you can either do one or the other or both! Result 🙂 Lots of women reading the same book at the same time in different countries.
If you would like to join just send me an email [email protected] and I will add you to the Poppy Loves Book Club Facebook page and also send you a welcome email.
Come on you’ll love it!
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And Poppy Loves here: