When I was a baby (now we’re talking a while ago) I was given a box and a wooden spoon to play with. Off you go Jane. Hours later I would emerge triumphant after playing some ACDC on my ‘drum kit’. (I was a baby, what I didn’t mention was I was a child prodigy)
Anyways the stuff I played with, ate from, chucked down my front was simple, natural and wouldn’t turn my hands green for months on end. When did this all change? When did things become complicated? Bad for you? Likely to hurt your gorgeous wee one if they ate it. And believe me they’re gonna eat it. I have the solution and it’s right here in Queenstown.
Naked Baby.
Naked Baby is a beautifully thought out and simple idea of giving you amazing products, food, clothes that aren’t harmful, full of chemicals and you can order them, see them as you’re sipping your Chai Latte in the comfort of your own home. As a new mum or dad you don’t have time to go shopping. You don’t have time to read all the labels to see what’s bad or good or whether the product you buy is made in a nice way. So Naked Baby has taken the hard work out of the equation.
Ashley Stewart, a Canadian by heart landed on these pure shores only in February and by July had taken over a business and settled here in Queenstown.
Get this. Another amazing woman doing amazing things from home. Who’da thunk it? Ashley was in private equity. You know like Edward in Pretty Woman. She was a big deal. She still is a big deal just now she sells breast pumps and organic baby clothes. A natural progression I’m sure you’ll agree.
I visited her in her wee world of organic, eco friendly, recycled, reusable and was amazed by all the things you can lay you hands on.
A few years ago there was a small amount of products here in New Zealand that you could lay your grubby hands on that you knew weren’t going to be harmful but they often came along with the fact that they didn’t look stylish or cool or that actually you wished they made in adult sizes. It was as though you had to give up looking good for feeling good about the product. Well no more people of Queenstown and Central Otago. No more. Products are cool, products are stylish and unfortunately for me (who has no children and can’t pretend they are) they don’t come in adult sizes. Now I’m the one who is having a melt down. Aged 5 style.
So what are we looking at here? Are you ready? Then I’ll dive right in:
Eco Nappies, Arts and Craft supplies (non toxic, edible, made from veggies), swaddles, blankets, nursing covers, wipes, bottles, sippy cups, books, towels, dishware, toys (recycled), place mats and utensils, breast pumps, cloth nappies, reusable storage bags, mums teething jewellery, ready to serve pouches/ bulk packs, bath toys, clothes, sidewalk paint, face paints, gift vouchers, formula, shoes (can you imagine how cute!), babiators (baby aviators), skincare. Excited much!? Especially as Christmas is coming up!
For a woman who used to deal in oil and gas, Ashley sure is one clever cookie about bringing you the best and the safest for your beloved.
I’m excited and I don’t even have children. My niece is one lucky girl come christmas I can tell you. And it’s all here
Naked Baby
There is the option for people in the Queenstown area to pick up for free ( Ashley is available for more information)
Naked Baby’s stock is continuously being updated so you not only have the best but the most up-to-date stuff on the shelves. Yummy mummies, daddies and babies everywhere! The best part is, there’s so much range, you get to choose what is right for you and your baby. Go with your gut people.
Just worth mentioning that the lady that runs this is *truly* lovely, particularly to random Aussie travellers who forgot to bring enough nappies with them and realise this on Saturday afternoon.
She’s really nice.
oh Jade, thats amazing. When I post this on Fb tonight would you be able to make the same comment- Ashley will be so happy 🙂 And thanks for reading 🙂