WWGSD Christchurch


Back in June I attended an Un-conference in Wellington called ‘Women Who Get Shit Done’. It blew my mind. One hundred and ten women in one space for two days of getting shit done, supporting each other, talking about projects, learning stuff and being brave. You can read about it here 




Because I was so blown away I joined a team of four other audacious women to bring the second instalment to Christchurch February 24-26 2017 at the beautiful Living Springs Canterbury. Two days where 120 spaces are available for women to attend another amazing weekend of discussion, support, laughing (there may be some dancing) and working hard to see what good things we can project into the future.

What’s an un-conference? This is where there’s no pre set agenda. The plan is built by the group of women on the first night and sessions are then run informally based on what you want to learn, discuss and share. Over the two days you’ll learn about things you never knew existed, things you already know about but can add to, new projects, creative learnings. Whatever you want it to be it can be. You’ll never want to go to a boring conference again.



Our spangly new website is now live and you can register your interest for the Christchurch event here.

Register you ask? Why? We unfortunately only have enough space for 120 women and we want to make sure we represent the diversity of New Zealand. Why women? Women in New Zealand earn 12% less than men (worse for Maori and Pasifika), we’ve lost our mojo, only 17%  NZX listed Boards members are women, only 13% of senior roles are held by women. We want a space to feel safe and learn together.

We also want you to shoulder tap women who may feel scared, not up to it, unsure whether it’s for them. Who feel the imposter syndrome so many of us feel. We’d love them to register their interest too. They are kick ass. They probably don’t think it but they are.

WWGSD Christchurch

We also need sponsors (payment or swag) because you know, this stuff doesn’t come for free. We’re looking for sponsors who get this stuff. Who understand what it is we need and want to support us in moving New Zealand into a new sphere of women doing good shit (and being paid the same as men for a start).

We’d love to hear from you. We also have a spangly lovely sponsor deck we’d love to send you. Get in touch here: christchurch+sponsorship@wwgsd.nz

Come on women register your interest now!

Women Who Get Shit Done
February 24-26th 2017


WWGSD Christchurch