The clever people at Destination Queenstown planned a breakfast at the amazing The Sherwood to celebrate all things ‘World Social Media Day’. Because we’re the best country in the world (and just happen to get the sunrise first) we celebrated with photographs at sunrise and then bacon. (There were other things but I couldnt stop eating the bacon). We had a hashtag and everything #smdayqt. We were joined by The Writing, Mark Clinton and William Patino.
Some of the best photographers, bloggers, travellers, people starting out, from this brilliant town came along to meet, snap and finally say ‘hello’ after just virtually saying hello on all things social. It was so lovely to say “oh it’s you!!” after only seeing photos and not knowing what someone looks like.
We then continued the fun with a great idea to head up to The new Remarkable’s ski field building (built in just 6 months) and take everyone with us. Bare Kiwi (Kyle, the most smiley man in the world), The Moment Addict (Esther Small, the lady with the long lense) and Wherestrentnow (Trent Yeo- Ziptrek) and myself, herded 40 people on a bus, snapping as we went, a KJet boat into town, some more snapping around the town and then drinks at the new World Bar.
All this social media stuff is part of my life now. It’s exhausting, exhilarating, challenging and lots of fun. But I get to meet an amazing set of people I would never get the chance to otherwise. And we’re all in this crazy world together. The end.
Trent made a stream of all the pictures which you can find here.
What a great idea! Despite working in social media I did nothing to celebrate Social Media Day (although I’m sure I used it a lot hehe)
Shame! It was huge here! You should have joined us 🙂