Tekapo Springs and Spa
Lay back and surround yourself with blue crystal clear water, a stunning lake view and a spa treatment tucked neatly amongst the two. Welcome to Tekapo Springs and Spa.
I experienced a couple of days in Lake Tekapo a few weeks ago and in particular Tekapo Springs and Spa. The history, the feel, the views (lupins!) in this town are quietly taking over my feed on Instagram.
Entering the springs complex you are greeted with pictures from days gone by, old ice skates, trophies and amazing black and white photos from the town’s colourful past. A pride that runs through the entire space of five spa pools, spa and cafe.
I was booked in for a Moana Signature Revival Treatment. A seventy five minute (yes folks, I didn’t want to get out of my slumber) amazing treatment using all Moana skincare products. Apart from smelling divine they are 100% certified organic using the best native New Zealand botanicals. Active Manuka honey and red seaweed extracts are active in their products giving you a full native New Zealand experience.
This Winter has been kind to us all but everyone around me is shouting “Stop the world and let me get off”. With all world events leading up to this week, people are tired, busy, ready for a Christmas break to relax, lie down somewhere quiet and be looked after. This seventy five minutes of your life promises to be everything I’ve just mentioned and more.
The treatment begins with a warm wrap around your feet to make you sink into a cozy world. A very soft light massage begins. I’m used to being pummelled within an inch of my life during a massage. I want knots kneaded, tissue pulled and prodded but this this this was something completely different. Slow, soft, quiet, kind.
Feet, legs, shoulders arms.
Body relaxed, my therapist then moved onto my face for a full facial. New Zealand’s sun is known for being strong and fierce and ten years here has done some damage to my skin. I’m not getting any younger (I know this) and so looking after my skin if I want to stay here is imperative. Ruby (massage therapist extraordinaire) was able to give me a full run down as to what products I needed to be using and how to care for my skin.
The spa has packages to suit everyone, whether you love a good ol’ massage, manicure or something for you and your loved one to enjoy.
Post massage a dream like state ensues. Warm and cozy. The day had turned into a lightly sunshine sprinkled one and I wandered into the next part of the experience. Five pools all named and coloured according to their true hue (Tekapo, Ohau, Pukaki, Godley, Macaulay). Ranging in temperature you can while away the hours languishing in differing heats all the while watching the clouds roll by, the mountains peeks above the complex.
Pools range in temperature from forty to thirty three degrees. Some for families, some just for adults allowing you to pick and choose at will. Hide away or get chatty with your friends. Run around in the sprinkling fountains, lounge around on the deck chairs in the sunshine.
Spa and soak away your weekend.
Tekapo Springs dances alongside the lupins. A gorgeous relaxing little hideaway deep in the beautiful South Island.
Tekapo Springs
6 Lakeside Drive
Lake Tekapo
New Zealand
0800 2 3538283
Have you visited Tekapo Springs before? Which pool is your favourite? I’d love to hear about it!
This post was sponsored by Tekapo Springs and all thoughts and opinions are my own.