Monday rolls around and I see this ‘Digital masterclasses’. Now I’ve attended one of Darren’s workshops before with Fully Charged Media and learnt LOADS so you will too. I am a techno-dummy (they surely have tech for dummies book right?). Have a read about it here.
The Vase Fresh Flowers and Foliage or Gypsy West to be exact roller coasted into my life at the ‘2 People 1 Life’ wedding. Have you read about that? Well you can here.
Gypsy is creating the most beautiful bouquets for weddings, business, your gran and because you fancy that girl down the local supermarket. Get onto it here.
TedxQueenstown is totally rolling along and we have just 41 days to go people! Trent (Licensee holder) is off to TEDActive in Canada and we wish him well (and just a slight hint of jealousy).
I also had a wistful moment about the North Island and in particular the beach and the sunshine especially as the clouds and rain rolled in here. There’s a hint of the word Autumn being banded around which I absolutely am scared of love. It’s March people. How the devil did that happen?
Queenstown, New Zealand looks like such a cool place, I would love to visit one day. Do you know of any good accommodation. I am also from Queenstown but in South Africa. I was searching Queenstown and came across this site. What an awesome place. Seems like all Queenstowns are nice.