Well back into it then. Anyone feeling hungry, tired and wondering where December went!? I am loving the sunshine though, not loving the fact that there’s no more Christmas tree in the front room which gave me an excuse to get cracking on sherry and chocolate-coated-anything.
So many things in the pipeline I don’t know where to start. I now have 5 jobs. I’m turning grey under my blonde but I’m now involved in The Source Magazine. Have you read it yet? Here’s this months online issue but we’re also in 170 locations around Queenstown and we look at everything that’s on in Queenstown. And I write a column that hopefully makes you laugh.
I visited Graze. The new restaurant that boasts ‘eat, drink, shop’ on Lake Hayes Estate. Just wonderful. A calm oasis of white and copper interiors in the restaurant, a dark and moody bar for after hours and a shop for all your staples. We stuffed our faces and I can tell you RUN, RUN LIKE THE WIND to try it. I’ll give you my review this week.
The TedxQueenstown train is a rolling and we’re shooting for the stars for the show on April 19th. Lots of discussion, interesting stuff and of course we get to meet at The Sherwood. Result! Thanks to those guys we now have a space to sit and work in. Oh and keep over caffeinated which always works well when it’s so hot at night I haven’t slept in about a week. Anyone else?
I entered the RPM studio on Thursday for a charity session for Mal Law’s AMAZING feat that is the High Five Challenge for Mental Health. The man is going to be covering 50 marathons in 50 days. His mental health? Yes I wonder sometimes but what an amazing thing to do. We rode 7 tracks and sweated all over the studio. There were prizes, fist pumps and a lot of whooping at the loud music. It may have come from me. It may not (it totally did) and I couldn’t get down the stairs in the morning (shut up legs). Go check him out and support the cause.
I visited The Find to watch the totally creative Graeme James who has been in town for a while (alas he leaves soon) but his amazing looping talents and singing are something you must catch if you see him advertised anywhere in the country. This boy is doing good things.
I wrote about the New Year and what it holds for us here. Want to get involved or understand what I can do for you and your business get in touch here. It’s amazing how far a good word from another business can go to spark something. I write and write about how good you are! Result.

Meeting with the gorgeous Nat from Angel Divine. OOOH stuff in the pipeline and maybe I can smuggle this into my coat?
I also kept riding my bike. And smiling. Alot. I mean, we live in paradise so why not. I just hope the 5 jobs don’t kill me but make me stronger. If I work that hard I’m allowed gin and tonics and cake every night right?
Right. Happy Monday.