You know me well by now. We’re friends right? So if cake or chocolate are mentioned in a sentence I’m there. With bells on. Well with anything on I’m that in love. So the Summer menu at Koko Black was released on Monday and I thought “cake and chocolate for breakfast?”. Why not. Just please don’t tell my mum. She had to pay my last dentist bill. And I’m 35.
So first up Hazelnut cluster. A brownie (oh now you’re interested) with a chewy chocolate centre and Gianduja cremeux. (Caramel and gooey stuff in there to you and me). Hazelnuts on the top covered in chocolate (my favourite nut this week. How fitting) The caramel was so delicious I wanted to cover myself in it. But I won’t I’m a professional.
The pasty chef Elizabeth Davis and myself are long term friends now (well I sit outside her office and drool) and she was rather impressed when she noticed I’d got through a good portion of the dish. Give me a challenge and I won’t disappoint. See mum, I told you you could be proud of me.
Next up, Raspberry Spectacular. Coconut crumble (kerching and Healthy- kind of), Vanilla ice-cream and raspberry coulee. Refreshing and because it was crumble it felt homely and comforting. I’m missing my family at the minute so comforting needed finishing.
It was barely 11 am when I left totally impressed as always and and no need for lunch.
Who needs salad?