I’ve only ever had a lovely cozy evening drinking fine wines in Eichardt’s Hotel. You know the usual evening dining on amazing tapas and Central Otago Pinot surrounding by the hoi poloi of Queenstown, fire roaring and the gentle clinking of glasses. (It’s not usual at all, it’s a rarity which I love to do. It’s usually beans on toast with a mug of tea)
But on this particular morning my friend and I fancied breakfast in town (we live on the edge) and we wanted somewhere we hadn’t been before. The wind was cutting right through our puffa jackets and so we literally ran towards Eichardt’s. “But it’s our dinner destination” we both gasped “can we be totally reckless and try breakfast?” I told you we were crazy. And i’m very glad we chose here.
We settled next to the fire and pulled on the big fluffy blankets draped over the large sofas. I love Eichardt’s for that. You really feel like you’re on holiday and in a hotel (which you are obviously) but there aren’t many hotel bars anymore and this one is so special as its been here so long. It’s luxury but without the snobbyness and you are made to feel right at home.
We both ordered coffee’s and the cooked breakfast, her with brioche, me with toast and both opted for poached eggs instead of fried. Deliciously perfect eggs and hot coffees all round. I could have stayed all morning and fallen asleep by the fire but I think the manager would have had a word to say about that.
Just lovely.

A cozy fire and soft throws makes Queenstownlife a happy lady!
Eichardt’s Hotel
Open for breakfast from 7.30am
03 441 0450