He also has a fantastic new website www.oska.co.nz go check it out!
Thank you Oska
Serves 12Ingredients
From the market
3 oranges
6 large free range eggs
From the pantry
250g cashew nuts
200g dried dates
1 tsp baking soda
4 tsps baking powder
2½ Tbs Matakana Superfoods cacao powder
65g Matakana Superfoods coconut sugar
75g Matakana Superfoods coconut flour
4 Tbs local honey
220g ground almonds
For the cake
1. In a large heatproof bowl mix 150g dates, 150g cashew nuts and baking soda.
2. Pour boiling water over and cover with cling film.
3. Leave to soften for at least 2 hours – should be very soft.
4. Preheat oven to fan bake 160C degrees.
5. Strain dates and cashews and keep liquid.
6. In a kitchen whiz, place dates, cashews, 2 peeled oranges, 65g coconut sugar, 2 tablespoons
of honey and 50ml of the soaking liquid. Blitz well until a fine paste.
7. Sieve all other dry ingredients – baking powder, cacao powder, coconut flour and ground
almonds – into a large mixing bowl and combine.
8. In a separate bowl beat eggs well.
9. Fold paste mixture into eggs, then gently fold into dry ingredients.
10. Crush 50g of the left over cashews, and dice 50g of the left over dates, fold these in.
11. Line a standard cake tin with baking paper and fill with mixture.
12. Bake for 20mins or until a knife comes out clean from the middle of the cake.
13. Once cooked allow to cool.
For the salad
1. Segment the remaining orange and place in a small bowl with 50g of dates and a further
tablespoon of coconut sugar.
2. In a small non-stick fry pan on a low heat, lightly toast the final 50g of cashew nuts.
3. Remove from heat and add the remaining 2 tablespoons of honey.
4. Add to bowl, mix and serve with the cake.
(Matakana Superfoods are all available on the website and from Mediterranean Market.)
I’m hoping that if if I make this and eat it I will run like Oska too. If I don’t i’m blaming him.
Sounds fab will it make even moi run faster yum yum