SnappersQueenstown is a wonderful little photography group who meet every now and again to snap, drink coffee and gabble about life. You can have any camera taking device and it’s all about what you see in a place, scene, view. I then write about it! Simple. Get in touch here to join us.

If you hadn’t heard (and if not, where have you been??) our beloved cafe Vudu on Beach Street left us last week. An amazing place full of secret corners and alleyways with the most amazing coffee and lemon tarts to set you up for the day. I used to love the random albums they played in there and meeting all my friends on the ‘community’ table.

We decided to capture the cafe before it disappeared for good (and I mean disappeared literally. The building was knocked down the day after). Good times and coffee for us all as we remembered what we loved about the place.

snappers queenstown

snappers queenstown

Pic By @penguinbennett

snappers queenstown

Pic by @linstagram09

snappers queenstown

Pic by @amongmountainsandlakes


snappers queenstown

Pic by @momentaddictphotography

snappers queenstown

Pic by @wherestrentnow

snappers queenstown

Pic by @queenstownlife

snappers queenstown

Pic by @undersoulphotography

Goodbye Vudu we won’t ever forget you!

Thanks to and find on Instagram:
